Led by the Wild


I was about to write "sometimes", but "often", actually often, when lifting a big rock a under a pile of rotting wood, I find some nice people. One major sign that identifies them nice people is that they have no idea how to make themselves visible. It's not that they hide or that they fear the Big Scary World Out There, but they just have no clue. They hop all day long in their loveliness until someone notices the poodle of nicement taking a bit too much space on the main road.

In this case, they're called "Led by The Wild" (website). They're visible, but nothing compared to, randomly, any influencer on Tik Tok, advertising the last indispensable animal-cruelty-free lipstick.

Not only they are happy people giving their time and land to the cause of having more insects, flowers, trees, oxygen, snails and muddy paths, but they are also part of a programme that help refugies to feel a bit better in England. It's well know that they're much loved around here. So here they come, from Iran, Erithrea, Syria... without much english language in their pocket but plenty of smiles and energy to split, cut, stomp, dig and laugh.

Now, it also happens that they've got a fair woodland, and Tom, the owner, is beginning to be a provider for shingles and structural wood. He provided half the sweet chestnut for my woobly cabin and I am currently hewing some other sweet chestnut for a little porch.

There's not much else to say, get in touch with them if you want to voluteer and keep liftin' those big stones.

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